Tips to Spend Your Gap Year Travelling

Despite the common perception of student life being little more than parties and lying in bed until noon, most students work very hard at what they do to ensure they achieve the qualifications they need. It can be difficult going straight into college from school, particularly as it coincides with a period of time where most people begin to form their adult identities.

Having been in education for the best part of twelve or thirteen years it is no surprise that many people decide to take a break or gap year between finishing college and going into university. There are many benefits to taking a gap year beyond that of simply having a well earned break from the classroom and essentially it is a great opportunity to travel, meet new people and pick up important life skills.

Funding your trip

There are different ways to fund such a trip. One way is to save up money from a part-time job whilst studying (bar work usually fits relatively well around student commitments) for a year or so.

Taking a loan is another popular way to fund the cost of a gap year but some people embark on their journey with the intention of finding casual labour along the journey. Although a lovely idea it is an inherently risky and unreliable plan so it is important to make sure you are prepared for any unforeseen circumstances and costs.

Carrying a credit card is a good way to cover yourself against any emergencies but not all credit cards are the same so make sure you choose one suitable for your needs. Take a look at the advance card online and see whether it is right for you.

Planning in advance

There is a lot to plan and the better planned your gap year is, the more you will get out of it. Beyond the obvious things such as booking the flights/travel you will also need to look into what visas are required as well as insurance, accommodation and most importantly healthcare arrangements and suitable vaccinations.

Giving back

Having established how to fund the gap year how about spending your time doing voluntary work aboard? There are countless projects and charities that operate in Ghana, Cambodia, Kenya, the Caribbean and almost every point in between and as well as the warm weather you will be able to significantly improve your CV and give something back to the world which you’re exploring.

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